It was an interesting camp where we got to know dancesport better, brush up abit on our techniques, "nua" around studio and "talk cock".
It was also the first official event where me, as a main comm of the club, helped in some aspects of the event, really enjoyed it. Although I am the Event manager, but most of the time I still got back to do what I am best at, being a Logistic Officer.
Had a chance at driving a manual van on the 3rd day, very fun.
The fun reached it climax when ... it broke down right in front of the traffic light. Great.
Turns out that the diesel ran out, and upon trying to reignite, the battery went flat.
So Ethan and I just sit outside the van, while trying to get help.
Mama Daph came to the rescue. Geez.
Being part of the event committee really got me thinking.
I was once a logistics, became a event chair, and now, I'm back at being a logistics.
It made me seen more stuffs, and a great chance to reflect upon myself.
Have to take my hat off to Ethan whom really got things worked out, managing things in a smooth and harmonious manner, learnt alot.
The highlight of the camp was the NTU DSA 1st Close Competition.
It is also the first time my partner, Elaine, and I give it a go at the dance floor.
Haha I don't know if I was too shagged out from the transportation of tables and chairs, so I was relatively tired to feel nervous compared to Elain.
She wore a worried face, and had some tight hand squeeze before the dance.
We got into the finals, 7 out of 10 couples.
At the final round, we got 4th placing.
It may seems lacking that we only managed to clinched a 4th placing, but considering that the top 3 were all seniors whom got at least a year experience, I guess we hit it off well as rookies.
Not to be boastful, but I must give credits to ourselves that we are quite talented in a way, considering we merely started out 2 -3 mths back.
Elaine is really a talented female dancer, not only me, but many seniors whom observed.
Of course, not forgetting the extra effort we put in during practices.
Alas, I do not really care about the results ...
What I care about, is the synchronization we have on the dance floor, and the satisfaction of dancing.
In terms of timing, movement smoothiness, techniques, I must say much more effort is needed.
1 mth to the Nationals.
Ok, I'm serious now.